FBLA Section Conference (SSLC)
Objective Events
Accounting 1: Edward Park (1st), Tiffany Ong (3th)
Accounting 2: Edward Park (1st), Ethan Lee (2nd)
Agribusiness: Yash Chordia (2nd)
Business Calculations: Jane Kwak (2nd)
Computer Problem Solving: Arvind Vivekanandan (1st), Timothy Pham (2nd)
Cyber Security: Timothy Pham (1st), Kenny Le (2nd)
Economics: Blanca Zhang (2nd)
Health Care Administration: Mia Kim (1st), Jihyun In (3th)
Intro to Business: Erin Lee (2nd)
Intro to Business Communication: Erin Lee (3th)
Intro to FBLA: Suvan Ravi (3rd)
Intro to Financial Math: Hannah Jang (1st), Evan Liu (2nd)
Job Interview: Raj Parekh (1st)
Intro to Public Speaking: Vanessa Tran (1st)
Public Speaking: Cindy Tran (1st)
Role Play Events
Entrepreneurship: Brianna Ong (3th), Natalie Melendez (3th), Surina Patel (3th)
Global Business: Vian De La Torre (2nd), Brianna Ong (2nd), & Blanca Zhang (2nd)
Hospitality Management: Joyce Li (1st), Tobi Yao (1st), Jane Kwak (1st)
Parliamentary Procedure: Grant Hyun (1st), Allan Chu (1st), Yash Chordia (1st), Raj Parekh (1st), Lianne Cha (1st)
Sports and Entertainment Management: Grant Hyun (2nd), Truong Nguyen (2nd), Reuben Park (2nd)
Production Events with Objective Test
Computer Applications: Samuel Zhang (1st)
Database Design and Applications: Kayden Vu (2nd)
Spreadsheet Applications: Rahil Luthra (2nd)
Word Processing: Karina Li (1st), Angela Choi (2nd)
Prejudged with Presentation
Broadcast Journalism: Althea Pampolina (2nd), Chanel Jung (2nd), Erica Doo (2nd)
FBLA National Conference (NLE)
Objective Events
Political Science: Kenny Le (8th)
Intro to Financial Math: Hannah Jang (5th)
Computer Problem Solving: Arvind Vivekanandan (4th)